Psoriasis and Biologics
Considering Biologics? You Should Know the Truth
What Are Biologics?
Biologics, sometimes called Biopharmaceuticals, are a type of drug that can be injected or taken in pill form. These drugs interact with parts of your own immune system. Although they have shown promise in treating conditions like Psoriasis, they carry significant risks, including death. The long-term ramifications are also unknown; there are no scientific studies that show the adverse effects of using biologics for many decades.
What Are The Risks?
There are numerous risks associated with biologics. These can incluce headaches, rashes, increased risk of cancers including lymphoma, increased risk of viral and fungal infections, a chance to develop an even worse case of Psoriasis, and death. If you are pregnant, or thinking of becoming pregnant, you are required to cease taking your biologics immediately.
Additional Aggravation
Unlike Home Phototherapy, patients who are pregnant, have an infection, illness, or develop side effects must stop taking biologics right away. Patients who cease taking their biologic can often experience severe resurgences of their diseases that are worse than their initial symptoms. Delays in insurance and changing physicians can all cause aggravating delays and gaps in treatment that do not occur with a Home Phototherapy system.